Evolution Violet Salvia Seed
Evolution Violet Salvia Seed

Evolution Violet Salvia Seed

Price: $1.09

Quick Facts:

  • Packet Contains: 10 seeds
  • Plant Height: 16-24 inches
  • Life Cycle: Annual (Perennial in zones 8-10)
  • Seed Type: Open-pollinated
Plant Features

Evolution Violet Salvia transforms gardens with vibrant, deep violet-purple spikes that tower over compact, well-branched plants, blooming from early summer to frost. This standout Salvia farinacea, a 2006 All-America Selections and Fleuroselect winner, offers richer color, better branching, and exceptional weather tolerance—thriving through heat, drought, and humidity. Perfect for beds, borders, or containers, its long-lasting 6-10 inch flower spikes attract pollinators like butterflies and hummingbirds while requiring minimal care.

Salvia Growing Guide

Outdoor Sowing (Directly in the Garden)

  • Timing: Sow Evolution Violet Salvia seeds outdoors in late spring, after the last frost, when soil temperatures are above 70°F. This variety is frost-sensitive and excels in warm weather.
  • Location: Choose a sunny spot with well-draining soil. It thrives in average to sandy soils and tolerates tough conditions.
  • Soil Preparation: Loosen soil to 6-8 inches deep and mix in compost. A pH of 5.5-6.5 is ideal for this salvia.
  • Planting Seeds:
    • Sow seeds on the soil surface and press lightly—do not cover, as light aids germination.
    • Space seeds or thin seedlings to 12-18 inches apart to support its branching habit.
  • Watering: Keep soil evenly moist until germination (10-14 days). Once established, it’s drought-tolerant but benefits from occasional watering in dry spells.

Indoor Sowing (Starting Seeds Indoors)

  • Timing: Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date.
  • Containers: Use seed trays or pots with drainage, filled with a light, well-draining seed-starting mix.
  • Planting:
    • Sow seeds on the surface, pressing gently to ensure contact. Do not bury them.
    • Mist soil to keep it moist without saturating.
  • Germination:
    • Maintain 70-76°F; seedlings emerge in 10-14 days with light exposure.
  • Transplanting: Move outdoors after the last frost when soil is above 70°F and plants have 2-3 true leaves. Space 12-18 inches apart.

General Care Tips for Salvia

  • Sunlight: Full sun (6-8 hours daily) for best color and growth; tolerates light shade with reduced blooms.
  • Watering: Water regularly during establishment. Mature plants are drought-tolerant but prefer consistent moisture in extreme heat.
  • Fertilizing: Add compost pre-planting. Apply a balanced fertilizer once mid-season to boost flowering.
  • Pruning: No deadheading needed for continuous blooms. Pinch young plants for denser growth.
  • Pest and Disease Control: Highly pest- and disease-resistant. Ensure good airflow with spacing to prevent rare mildew.
  • Harvesting:
    • Cut 6-10 inch spikes when fully open for fresh use or dry for everlastings. Harvest above a leaf node.
  • Storage: Fresh stems last a week in water. Dry by hanging upside down in a cool, ventilated area.
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