Fairy Queen Rose Salvia captivates with graceful spikes of soft rose-pink flowers, each tipped with a subtle white accent, blooming tirelessly from early summer to frost. This Salvia splendens variety grows into a neat, compact mound, making it a versatile pick for edging, garden beds, or patio pots. Its delicate yet vivid blooms lure hummingbirds and butterflies, flourishing in sunny spots with minimal effort.
Salvia Growing Guide
Outdoor Sowing (Directly in the Garden)
- Timing: Sow Fairy Queen Rose Salvia seeds outdoors in late spring, after the last frost, when soil temperatures are above 65°F. This variety is frost-sensitive and thrives in warmth.
- Location: Select a sunny spot with well-draining soil. It adapts to average soils and handles heat well.
- Soil Preparation: Loosen soil to 6-8 inches deep and blend in compost. A pH of 5.5-6.5 is ideal.
- Planting Seeds:
- Sow seeds on the soil surface and press lightly—do not cover, as light aids germination.
- Space seeds or thin seedlings to 10-12 inches apart for its compact growth.
- Watering: Keep soil moist until germination (7-14 days). Once established, it tolerates drought with occasional watering.
Indoor Sowing (Starting Seeds Indoors)
- Timing: Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date.
- Containers: Use seed trays or pots with drainage, filled with a light seed-starting mix.
- Planting:
- Sow seeds on the surface, pressing gently. Do not cover them.
- Mist to keep soil moist without saturating.
- Germination:
- Maintain 65-75°F; seedlings emerge in 7-14 days with light exposure.
- Transplanting: Move outdoors after the last frost when soil is above 65°F and plants have 2-3 true leaves. Space 10-12 inches apart.
General Care Tips for Salvia
- Sunlight: Full sun (6-8 hours) for best blooms; partial shade works but may lessen flowering.
- Watering: Water regularly during establishment. Mature plants are drought-tolerant but prefer consistent moisture.
- Fertilizing: Mix compost into soil pre-planting. Apply a balanced fertilizer once mid-season for vivid spikes.
- Pruning: Deadhead faded blooms to extend flowering. Pinch early for bushier plants.
- Pest and Disease Control: Pest-resistant; ensure spacing to prevent mildew in humid areas.
- Harvesting:
- Cut spikes when fully open for fresh use or dry for decor. Harvest above a leaf node.
- Storage: Fresh stems last a week in water. Dry by hanging upside down in a cool, ventilated area.